
Limit e Kyle 2014


Raja-raphael 002

Kyle's description


Raja's description


Date coupling: 10/04/2014
Date of birth: between 20/05 and the 23/05/2014
Chance of colors: 75% Black, 25% Chocolate.
Pattern Likely: Solid, Sable (Mask), Roan, Mitt.
Probable Coat: 25% Angora, 75% Half Angora
Known Generations: 11
Coefficient Imbreeding: 0.000190734863281%

Weight during pregnancy:


First week: 868g

Second week: 940g +70

Fourth Week: 1070g+202

Fifth week: 1120g +252

Puppies born: 12
Pups survived: 5 (little milk and nutrient stress)

Reserve a puppy

Puppies were born in 2012 from this pair

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